About us

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of The Northern Territory of Australia Inc (CCCNTA)is a non -for-profit organization jointly formed by Australian Chinese, Overseas Chinese and Overseas Chinese businessmen, representing Chinese investors across the Northern Territory. CCCNTA is located in Darwin and is run by a voluntary board of directors, with support of volunteers.

Mr. Alan Jape is the first president of CCCNTA.

The business charter of the CCCNTA covers a wide range of industries including energy, mining, trade, finance, transportation, real estate, manufacturing, tourism, agriculture and animal husbandry. CCCNTA aims to increase trade, investment and business activities by assisting NT and Chinese companies, professionals and the general public to better understand the business environment and cultural traditions in Australia and Asia.

CCCNTA will assist both NT and Chinese companies to connect with business partners, and facilitate collaboration with government departments. We intend to achieve it by hosting seminars, workshops and conferences, leading trade missions and diplomatic delegation and facilitating social events to promote networking.

CCCNTA’s members include organisations conducting business in/with greater China (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), Timor-Leste, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Korea, Thailand and the Philippines.

The objectives and purposes of the Chamber: 

  1. To promote and advance the interests of the Chinese business community in the Northern Territory (‘NT’) including sole traders, partnerships, associations, corporations and other entities.
  2. To promote the development of trade and investment for the NT Chinese business community.
  3. To provide networking opportunities for the NT Chinese business community.
  4. To facilitate communication and information sharing to assist the NT Chinese business community.
  5. To provide education and awareness of business culture, practices and the regulatory environment to assist the NT Chinese business community

Address: Office 4 - 5, JHV 5, 1st Floor, Jape Homemaker Village 356-366 Bagot Road, Millner NT 0810 Australia