
Hilton Darwin

Markus Kaliss

Australia Asia International Consultants







Jack Tan - Director


Australia United Investment Corporation Pty Ltd

Peng Cui - CEO

Cabot Square

Aaron Yeung - CEO

Cerbis Ceramics NT

Ari Tsirbas - CEO


Charles Yuan & Associates

Charles Yuan - CEO

Club Tropical Resort

lynne jackson - Manager


Darwin Air -Conditioning & Refridgeration Services

Tom Li - Owner

Darwin City Hotel

达尔文城市酒店是达尔文最新的4.5星酒店。酒店提供精品客房和公寓并坐落于达尔文城市中心,其靠近商城,超市, 各式咖啡厅且交通极为便利. 城市酒店的咖啡厅更是为客人提供了优质的服务,而其独特的风味吸引众多客人. 


Richard Ting - Managing Director

Lay & Son Org. Pro Ltd/Asian United Food Service

Gwalwa Daraniki Association Inc

Helen Selcretary - CEO

Jape Group Australia

The Jape Group of Companies was founded by Mr Jape Kong Su in Darwin, Northern Territory in 1976 and is family owned. From the success of commercial property projects in the Darwin city centre in the 1980's the Jape Group prospered and progressed to the development of the Jape Homemaker Village in 1989.

Situated on over 63,000sqm of land in a prime location central to the CBD and Darwin's northern suburbs, the Jape Homemaker Village today is a shopping destination accommodating a synergy of businesses. Specialty outlets through to large national retailers provide visitors to the centre all manner of goods and services in keeping with the outdoors and lifestyle of the Top End.

松叶国际集团是个家族企业,从事房地产开发,商业租赁及零售等业务,已有40多年的历史。该集团拥有数家大卖场,分别是Jape Furnishing,Forty Winks Darwin和Jape Homemaker Village。松叶国际集团投资发展也扩充至东帝汶,在这个国家开发大规模,高质量的建筑项目。松叶集团成立了帝力发展有限公司并且在东帝汶开展业务。其核心业务包括商业,住宅,休闲和娱乐中心,例如Timor Plaza购物中心,Timor Plaza酒店和公寓以及Central Garden Residences 高级住宅。该集团不仅在澳大利亚和东帝汶建立了强大的商业网络,而且还与中国,新加坡和印度尼西亚等邻国密切展开商业往来。多年来,松叶集团已制定了长远的可持续发展计划,以改善澳洲北领地和东帝汶的生活并且创造更多的商业机会。

Alan Jape - Managing Director

Darwin Convention Centre

Lay Properts P/L

Kivi Lay - Managing Director

Millenium Security & Alarm Serivices

Ruby Chiu - CEO

North Tours Australia Pty Ltd


公司微信: NorthTours

Gordon - CEO

Northern Trade Solutions Pty Ltd

Jiayun Lee - CEO

Darwin InternationalAirport

Allan Woo - Manager


Peter Styles Consultants

Peter Styles - CEO


Steven Doherty

Steven Doherty - CEO

Sun Body Coporate Mangement Pty Ltd

Limin Sun - CEO

Territory Solar Solutions

Eddie Shearer - CEO


Jess Cussen

Creative Graphic Designer

  • 0424 537 727

Ward Keller

Nadia Lim - Staff


Woodroffe Supermarket

San Tang The - CEO


Nightcliff Licensed Post Office


Luisa Lai - CEO


Zuling Yuan & Yujiang Zhou

Zuling Yuan & Yujiang Zhou - Owner